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Developing Developers

by on August 6, 2014

Hello Game Makers and Makers-To-Be!

I am really excited to formally kick off the “Developing Developers” initiative! It’s happening as part of our newest OTA update.  Most gamers have, at one point or another, considered making their own game – but don’t follow through. The process can be daunting due to lack of proper how-to information, they are intimidated by coding, or they just think it’s just too hard overall.  But it’s not! Your friends at OUYA are here to show you that creating your own game is way easier than you think – and you can pick up valuable programming skills in the process.

In this update, we’ve revamped the MAKE section.  We want this to be a space where you can learn more about how to create games, and we’ve kicked it off with a step-by-step, 20-minute tutorial by Alex and Bob covering the basics of developing and publishing on OUYA. Now you can learn how to start developing from your OUYA and follow along with the accompanying, online instructions.


We also collaborated with AIDE to provide an on-console app that will guide you through basics of programming in Java and Android, complete with game-development tutorials. You can use your controller OR a USB keyboard to make your game directly on the console itself!


In the coming months, we will be providing more tutorials, collaborating with schools and organizations to work with students and hobbyists, organizing workshops and jams, and in general, trying to empower more people to do this crazy thing we love – make games for others to play.

If you work with a program and would like to participate, please reach out to officehours@ouya.tv. Of course, this is all in addition to our ongoing OFFICE HOURS on Google Hangouts (Mondays, 11:30am PST), in which anybody can come ask us questions about how to make a game, or make their game better.

We’re doing this because OUYA loves games. We love quirky,  creative, fun, emotional, silly games, and we love the amazing developer community that’s brought us to almost 1,000 (!!!) games. We truly believe that investing in the next generation of developers is what’s best for not only the developer, but the gamer as well.

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Source: Ouya.tv