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Crystal Picnic

by on January 27, 2014

A bright and colourful action-RPG currently in ALPHA stages.

** New in This Version **
– Demo time doesn’t count when at the system menu
– Added a Quit option to the menu
– Fixed bugs with shops and first mini-game

We need your support to continue developing this game! We have been releasing alphas on our website about once every week or two with major new changes. We’ve come as far as we can out of our own pockets and need your help to keep the business operational while we continue to work on this great game.

Crystal Picnic is a mashup of classic JRPG and side-scroller battler. There are a ton of RPG elements but we are focusing on keeping the game manageable for the average player. The story is humorous and full of adventure and the soundtrack is stunning and will feature many orchestral pieces upon completion. The game is a blast for players of all ages!

We estimate that we are 25% finished with the game as a whole, and approximately 15-20% of the storyline is currently playable. We like to release updates at least once per week if possible.


RELEASE DATE: January 27th, 2014

PRICE: $4.99

PLAYERS: Single Player

Available On OUYA