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by on March 4, 2014

We’re well into 2014 and I wanted to fill you in on what we’ve been working on and tell you some things you can expect from the platform and OUYA this year.

We built OUYA because we wanted to excite creators — game developers — and we’re off to a great start. From 1,000 developers buying a dev unit during our Kickstarter, to 8,000 at the time of our unveiling just nine months later, to 10,000 at launch in June, and now at over 33,000 who have downloaded our ODK, we are bringing games into the living room, from all kinds of developers.

OUYA is a place for DEVS to get noticed.

Towerfall by Matt Thorson was our first hit, and we are so proud to see him grow, move to other platforms, and continue to build his audience and delight gamers. Matt’s not alone. We expect many more of our developers — who’ve published one or more of over 675 games today — to do great things.

And, for those of you who are wondering, 675 games in less than a year is more than any other console has ever done. We have 10 times more games than when we started, and new game submissions keep coming in, every week.

We also went back to our roots this year. We launched a game development matching fund for projects funded on Kickstarter that choose to come to OUYA first. Took us a bit to get this right, but as of today, we are funding ten games. One is already live on OUYA, as an alpha — Matt Gilgenbach’s Neverending Nightmares. Our Free The Games Fund continues until the end of this year or until we fund $1M worth of games (I hope the latter :).

Lastly, we released a new version of the console with more storage and better WiFi. Today, we are *really* proud of what we’ve delivered.

How did we do that? Ten software updates in eleven months helps.

Parental controls. Three currencies. Five languages. USB external support. Remote download of games. Faster updates. Game trailers. Evolving UI. You get the gist… we’ve been busy, and it never stops. Some things you can look forward to this year include a program for developers to launch game betas, developer profiles on the console, better personalization, recommendations, and (of course) more awesome games. A lot of this list is based on suggestions from *you* — thank you, and keep it up.

Plus, one important thing you should know. We want to deliver OUYA to gamers wherever they play — whether or not they bought a box from us. We’re the open guys, right? So why lock OUYA in a box? Even a beautiful one? OUYA is about games and game developers, not about the way you get it. So we’re embarking on a new project to embed the OUYA platform into other devices on the market.

We call this effort “OUYA Everywhere” and we are already in discussions with a handful of partners. Of course, we’ll always have an OUYA console you can buy, but you might start to see OUYA in other places. More to come.

Now, I’ve got to get back to work,


Source: Ouya.tv